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Table 4 Clinical and procedural outcomes

From: Viabahn stent graft for arterial injury management: safety, technical success, and long-term outcome


Total no. of patients n = 40

Clinical successa

40/40 (100)

MAE within 30 days


0/40 (0.0)

 Myocardial infarction

0/40 (0.0)

 Major amputation

0/40 (0.0)

 Acute thrombotic occlusion

1/40 (2.5)

Primary patency

 3 months

97 (94–100)

 6 months

97 (94–100)

 1 year

97 (94–100)

 2 years

92 (86–98)

 3 years

92 (86–98)

 4 years

92 (86–98)

 5 years

92 (86–98)

 6 years

92 (86–98)

Secondary patency

 3 months

97 (94–100)

 6 months

97 (94–100)

 1 year

97 (94–100)

 2 years

97 (94–100)

 3 years

97 (94–100)

 4 years

97 (94–100)

 5 years

97 (94–100)

 6 years

97 (94–100)



2/40 (5.0)

  Endovascular treatment

2/40 (5.0)

  Surgical treatment

0/40 (0.0)

Major amputation

0/40 (0.0)

Minor amputation

0/40 (0.0)

  1. Values are given as frequency (%) or percent (95% CI)
  2. MAE major adverse event, cdTLR clinically driven target lesion revascularization
  3. aClinical success was defined as complete hemostasis within 30 days of the procedure
  4. bDeath, device- or procedure-related