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Table 1 Baseline patient characteristics

From: Viabahn stent graft for arterial injury management: safety, technical success, and long-term outcome


Total no. of patients n = 40


 at intervention, years

71 ± 13

 range, years


 < 65 years

11/40 (27.5)

 65–75 years

7/40 (17.5)

 > 75 years

22/40 (55.0)

Sex at birth


21/40 (52.5)


19/40 (47.5)

Body mass index, kg/m2

28 ± 7

Cardiovascular risk factors


10/40 (25.0)

 Arterial hypertension

10/40 (25.0)



28/40 (70.0)


10/40 (25.0)


2/40 (5.0)


13/40 (32.5)

 Family history of CAD

2/40 (5.0)

Smoking status

 Current smoker

3/40 (7.5)


8/40 (20.0)


29/40 (72.5)



7/40 (17.5)

 Cerebrovascular artery disease

2/40 (5.0)

 Coronary artery disease

10/40 (25.0)

 Atrial fibrillation

8/40 (20.0)

Renal function

 GFR (mL/min/1.73m2)

77 [35–118]

 Chronic renal failure (GFR < 60)

11/40 (27.5)


0/40 (0.0)

Known uncorrectable hypercoagulability

0/40 (0.0)

Evidence of bacteremia

0/40 (0.0)

  1. Values are mean ± SD, median [IQR] or frequency n (%)
  2. NIDDM non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, IDDM insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, CAD coronary artery disease, COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, GFR glomerular filtration rate