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Table 2 Characteristics of TIPS revision procedures

From: Shunt dysfunction patterns after transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt creation using a combination of a generic stent-graft and bare-stents





Indication for TIPS revision

 Portal hypertension

13 (39.4)

 US dysfunction criteria

12 (36.4)


8 (24.2)

 Pre-TIPS revision PSG (mmHg)

18.5 (8–28)

 Post-TIPS revision PSG (mmHg)

8 (4–19)

Proximal end TIPS location

 Portal vein

23 (69.7)

 Right portal vein branch

10 (10.3)

Distal end TIPS location


28 (84.8)

 HV/IVC junction

5 (15.2)

Patterns of TIPS DAF


23 (69.7)


5 (15.2)


2 (6.1)


3 (9.1)

Stenosis rate

  < 50%

5 (15.2)

  > 50%

23 (69.7)

 Complete occlusion

3 (9.1)


2 (6.1)

Delay of TIPS revision

  < 12 months

20 (60.6)

  > 12 months

13 (39.4)

 Successful TIPS revision

30 (90.9)

  1. Values are given as n (%) or median (range)
  2. PSG Portosystemic gradient
  3. HV Hepatic vein
  4. IVC Inferior vena cava
  5. TIPS Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt
  6. DAF Dysfunction-associated features