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Table 1 Patient characteristics

From: Mid-term outcome of transarterial embolization of renal artery pseudoaneurysm and arteriovenous fistula after partial nephrectomy screened by early postoperative contrast-enhanced CT

Age, years (median, range)

61 (26–81)

Sex (Male:Female)


Partial nephrectomy

Robotic 45 (54.9%), laparoscopic 16 (19.5%), open 21 (25.6%)

Maximum diameter of the tumor (mm)

30.4 ± 16.0

Pathological diagnosisa

Clear cell RCC 64 (78.0%), chromophobe RCC 2 (2.4%), papillary RCC 2 (2.4%), angiomyolipoma 7 (8.5%), oncocytoma 4 (4.9%), and others 3 (3.7%)

In RCC (n = 68)

 Pathological tumor stageb

pT1a 52 (76.5%), pT1b 14 (20.6%), pT2a 2 (2.9%)

 Tumor complexityc

Low 29 (42.6%), intermediate 29 (42.6%), high 10 (14.7%)

Symptoms before TAE

Progressive anemia 24, severe hematuria 17, decrease in blood pressure 5, bleeding from drainage tube 5, severe pain 3

  1. RCC Renal cell carcinoma, TAE Transarterial embolization. Classified according to the 2016 World Health Organization classificationsa, 2009 TNM classificationb, and R. E. N. A. L nephrometry scorec